Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas day!

christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of jesus wich it is celebrated on december 25 by a lot of people around the world.Christians celebrate Christmas in a lot of different ways, kids will sing a carols about christmas. Many people that celebrate christmas often buy a christmas tree that symbolizes spirit of christmas. On that day many families give out gifts to their family members because on that day that jesus was born 3 kings gave jesus 3 gifts since then its been a tradition to give presents to your family members. 

This day, I celebrate with my family. We are, my sister, my two cousins ​​and their girlfriends, my aunt, my grandmother, my mother and father. 
This day, in my family, we eat a tipycal plate, made for my grandmather 'Julia' the plate is made with, potatoes and eggs. I love so much eat this, it´s so good. 

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