Friday, August 23, 2013


This summer I went to London with 2 friends. At the airport I met many spanish people my age.
I was nervous about visiting London, I had never been. When we arrive at London, we go to de UEL (University of East London) We saw a lot of people from all countries, people my age!
we were doing three hours of English day by day, less Saturday and Sunday as usual at school. And later we were visiting the center of London. The monuments, museums, parks...
We visited:
The London Eye

Westminster Palace

Tower of London

Buckingham Palace

Tower Bridge

And more monuments. It was an unforgettable experience. I make many, many, maaaaany friends from all countries and never forget them.

                                                       My russian friend, Sergey Degay
                                                             My Italian Friend, Marco
                                                      My Italian friend, Emmanuele

spanish friends 

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